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Trinity Towards 2030

Trinity Towards 2030

We are delighted to provide you with access to our new Strategic Plan - Trinity Towards 2030

As noted in the triquetra graphic, we have identified five Strategic Objectives with, arguably the most important, Valuing our People and Community, at the centre.  Thank you, in advance, for the important role you will play in bringing this document to life.

Behind this Strategic Plan sits a much larger Operational Document that the College Leadership Team have been working on for some time.  This live document defines the ways in which we plan to achieve the Strategic Objectives, timelines for undertaking this work, and indicators to confirm we have met the Objectives.  In many ways, the Operational Document is the blueprint for our work at the College over the next five years.  

Our next touchpoint with you, students and our staff, regarding our progress with the Strategic Plan, will be a Whole of College survey administered by MMG in May 2025.  Two years on from the last survey, this process will provide us with invaluable feedback – hopefully confirming our work is making a real and positive difference in our community.

Trinity Towards 2030 will be a document to which we will regularly refer; and, if required, we will nuance our plans as needs evolve.  So let’s maintain the vital conversations as we work together to achieve the ambitious outcomes outlined in the publication.

You can read the plan here.