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Senior Production

Senior Production

Join the graduating class of William Ocean High School as they live through their final senior year - as they experience the fun, the heartbreak, the loves and the loneliness of growing up.... all set to the biggest hits of the 80's!!

Set in the USA, 'Back to the 80's' tells the story of the 1980's graduated senior class of William Ocean High School, remembered and seen through the eyes of now 30-something Corey Palmer.

The then 17-year-old Corey is madly in love with the girl next door, Tiffany Houston -one of the coolest girls in school-. She's too busy mooning over Michael Feldman -the hottest guy around-. Micheal and his friends are athletic, good-looking and the exact kind of guys Corey and his two best buds dream of being. Thought they are not total outcasts, like Feargal McFerrin III, whose best-friend is his computer and firmly believes the crazy notion that CD's will one day replace cassette tapes- as if!

Join the graduating class of William Ocean High school as they live through their senior year- Experiencing the fun, the heartbreak, the first loves and the loneliness of growing up...all set to the biggest hits of the 80's!!

  • Tuesday 20 May, 7.00pm
  • Wednesday 21 May, 7.00pm